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[Required] Information on consent to collection and use of personal information
PoPs collects and uses your information according to the following. Please read the following and check the box if you agree.
1. Personal information collector: Megazone Cloud Co., Ltd.
2. Personal information collected
[Required] Email
3. Purpose of collection/use
- PoPs Newsletter provided
4. Retention and use period: 3 years from the date of collection of personal information (however, destroyed without delay when customer consent is withdrawn)
※ How to withdraw personal information use
- How to withdraw consent using text messages, etc.: Click on the unsubscribe link in emails or notify your intention to unsubscribe through the unsubscribe contact information in the text message
- Personal information processing consultation department
- Department Name: Offering GTM Team
- Contact:
※ Right to refuse consent and disadvantages
You have the right to refuse consent, but if you refuse consent, the services specified in the purpose of use above will not be provided.

[Optional] Guide to consent to collection and use of personal information (consent to use for marketing and receive advertising information)
PoPs collects and uses your information according to the following. Please read the following and check the box if you agree.
1. Personal information collector: Megazone Cloud Co., Ltd.
2. Personal information collected
[Required] Email
3. Purpose of collection/use
- PoPs Newsletter provided
※ This consent form includes consent to receive advertising via email.
4. Retention and use period: Until withdrawal of consent
※ How to withdraw personal information use
- How to withdraw consent to text messages, etc.: Notify of intention to refuse receipt by clicking on the link to refuse receipt of emails
- Personal information processing consultation department
- Department name: Offering GTM
- Contact:
※ Right to refuse consent and disadvantages
You have the right to refuse consent, but if you refuse consent, the services specified in the purpose of use above will not be provided.

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