What kind of SaaS do startups with 100 people or less use?

Here's an introduction to SaaS, which is commonly used as an IdP, productivity, development, collaboration/project management, and HR tool by startups with 100 or fewer employees.
September 15, 2023
2 min read
Megazone PoPs

Are you considering a positive employee experience?

When the organization has 5 members, it is easy for employees to share direction and everyone can have the same thoughts. As the number of people begins to grow to 30, 50, and 100, the organization's culture spreads across multiple parts and cracks begin to appear.

Forbes Insight's “The Experience Equation (Experience Equation): How Happy Employees and Customers Accelerate Growth” ReportAccording to, it can be seen that a good employee experience enhances the customer experience, which in turn leads to increased revenue. In a rapidly growing startup, thinking about providing a positive employee experience is essential.

One of the many factors that influence a positive employee experience is 'creating a flexible and smart workplace'. Mulsoft's '2023 Connectivity Benchmark Report'According to the report, the average enterprise has 900 applications, but only 28% of them are currently integrated. This shows that companies are still operating in a siloed format and are not making significant investments in the daily work of employees.

Along with the acceleration of digital transformation (DX), startups have also begun to adopt various SaaS to create flexible and smart work environments.

In this article, we'll look at what SaaS startups with 100 or less are using based on interviews with 7 domestic startup clients with 100 or fewer members by the POPs team.

IdP Tool

You can see that most IdP tools that store and verify user IDs use Google Workspace (Google Workspace).

100명 이하 스타트업에서 사용하는 IdP 툴에 대한 조사 결과
Survey results on IdP tools used by startups with 100 or fewer employees

Productivity tools

Notion (Notion) was the highest productivity tool at 29%, and it can be seen that Google Workspace (Google Workspace) and Microsoft 365 (Microsoft 365) are also widely used as productivity tools at 25%.

100명 이하 스타트업에서 사용하는 생산성 툴에 대한 조사 결과
Results of a survey on productivity tools used by startups with 100 or fewer employees

Development tools

It has been shown that most people use GitHub (GitHub) as a development tool, and it can be seen that they use Jenkins (Jenkins), Terraform (Terraform), and Bitbucket (Bitbucket) in addition to GitHub (GitHub).

100명 이하 스타트업에서 사용하는 개발 툴에 대한 조사 결과
Results of a survey on development tools used by startups with 100 or fewer employees

Co-work/project tool

Among collaboration/project management tools, Slack (Slack) and Figma (Figma) were the highest at 26%, Google Workspace (Google Workspace) received 18% responses, and Zoom (Zoom) and Jira (Jira) received 7% responses. Additionally, Confluence (Confluence), Asana (Asana), Microsoft 365 (Microsoft 365), and Airtable (Airtable) were mentioned.

100명 이하 스타트업에서 사용하는 협업/프로젝트 관리 툴에 대한 조사 결과
Results of a survey of collaboration/project management tools used by startups with 100 or fewer employees

HR Tool

Flex (Flex) was the highest HR tool at 40%, LinkedIn (LinkedIn) and Shiftee (Shiftee) received 20% responses, and Wanted (Wanted) and Greeting (Greeting) received 10% responses.

100명 이하 스타트업에서 사용하는 HR 툴에 대한 조사 결과
Results of a survey on HR tools used by startups with 100 or fewer employees

Is adopting a world-famous SaaS unconditionally the right answer?

As you can see from the interview results, most SaaS names are used. Startup clients are more likely to use employee needs or popular software rather than choosing solutions tailored to the organization. It's a motive for avoiding anxiety. Global SaaS may not be right for every organization. Making smart SaaS choices by accurately understanding our organization's requirements before introducing SaaS and setting priorities to be met, such as ease of integration and cost-related aspects, will lead to a positive employee experience.

In the future, we'll cover the use of SaaS suitable for various situations in POPs. Smaller organizations use spreadsheets to manage SaaS costs, licenses, and contracts by hand. You'll be organizing it by switching screens and duplicating/pasting thousands of times. Since it is obvious that the use of SaaS will continue to increase in the future, it would be good for both administrators and users to use it within the category of management. We recommend convenient management and use with an automated experience due to the inconvenience of having to manage and obtain approval for use on a daily basis, such as wasted licenses and frequent onboarding and offboarding.

SaaS management platforms, POPs that enhance the employee experience

POPS is a SaaS Management Platform (SMP) that enables both SaaS management and cost management. I think not only about SaaS administrators, but also about the experiences of employees directly using SaaS. Employees can check the SaaS apps authorized by the administrator on the launcher, and use all authorized SaaS apps by logging in (single-sign-on) with a single account. Bookmarks where individuals can add frequently used links and personalize them are also possible. Currently, there are approximately 150 SaaS linked to POPs. Employees can easily find the SaaS they need in the launcher, and managers can centrally identify and manage multiple SaaS at a glance.

If you have more questions about how POPs improve the employee experience, please contact us. 👉 Request a POPs demo

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[필수] 개인정보 수집·이용 동의 안내
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1. 개인정보 수집자 : 메가존클라우드㈜
2. 수집 받는 개인 정보
3. 수집/이용 목적
- PoPs 뉴스레터 제공
4. 보유 및 이용 기간 : 개인정보 수집일로부터 3년(단, 고객 동의 철회 시 지체없이 파기)
※ 개인정보 이용 철회 방법
- 안내 문자 등의 동의 철회를 이용하는 방법 : 이메일 수신 거부 링크 클릭 또는 안내 문자 내 수신거부 연락처를 통한 수신 거부 의사 통보
- 개인정보 처리 상담 부서
- 부서명: Offering GTM Team
- 연락처:offering_gtm@mz.co.kr
※ 동의거부권 및 불이익
귀하는 동의를 거절할 수 있는 권리를 보유하며, 동의를 거절하는 경우 상기 이용 목적에 명시된 서비스가 제공되지 아니합니다.

[선택] 개인정보 수집·이용 동의 안내 (마케팅 활용 및 광고성 수신 정보 동의)
PoPs는 아래 내용에 따라 귀하의 정보를 수집 및 활용합니다. 다음의 내용을 숙지하시고 동의하는 경우 체크 박스에 표시해 주세요
1. 개인정보 수집자 : 메가존클라우드㈜
2. 수집 받는 개인 정보
3. 수집/이용 목적
- PoPs 뉴스레터 제공
※ 본 동의문에는 이메일을 활용한 광고성 수신 동의 내용이 포함되어 있습니다.
4. 보유 및 이용 기간 : 동의 철회 시 까지
※ 개인정보 이용 철회 방법
- 안내 문자 등의 동의 철회를 이용하는 방법 : 이메일 수신 거부 링크 클릭 통한 수신 거부 의사 통보
- 개인정보 처리 상담 부서
- 부서명: Offering GTM
- 연락처: offering_gtm@mz.co.kr
※ 동의거부권 및 불이익
귀하는 동의를 거절할 수 있는 권리를 보유하며, 동의를 거절하는 경우 상기 이용 목적에 명시된 서비스가 제공되지 아니합니다.

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