Many organizations are preparing for disasters like the Corona pandemic - Hybrid Workplace

To prepare for environments such as the corona pandemic, companies are continuing to consider hybrid workplaces.
November 8, 2023
3 min read
Megazone PoPs

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The corona pandemic has changed where and how we work. Leaders such as CIOs and COOs are more concerned than ever to increase productivity while maintaining remote business connectivity. Companies are continuing to consider hybrid workplaces to prepare for an environment such as the COVID-19 pandemic that never knows when it will come again.

A hybrid workplace provides flexibility for employees by mixing in-office work with remote work. In a hybrid work environment, employees generally enjoy more autonomy and work-life balance, which in turn increases their level of engagement. Businesses can also improve the customer experience by attracting positive employee experiences.

This article discusses the conditions for implementing a hybrid workplace and why SaaS Management Platform (SMP) has attracted attention.

Conditions for implementing a hybrid workplace

In order to implement a hybrid workplace, a digital workspace must be met. A digital workspace is a technical framework for managing and centrally controlling elements of an organization's IT assets, such as applications, data, and endpoints. Helping users access applications anytime, anywhere, and on any device is key. Common features of a digital workspace include:

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  • Integrated management for all devices, including mobile and desktop
  • Single sign-on (SSO) for enhanced security
  • Increased security when browsing the web and accessing SaaS
  • Desktop and application virtualization
  • Workflow automation

As employees make more use of digital workspaces, new cloud-based applications are being introduced to improve the collaboration experience.

SMP is gaining attention as the value of the digital workplace comes to the fore

According to Gartner's '2023 Technology Innovation Roadmap for Infrastructure and Operations', I&O leaders are carefully adopting technology to support customers while enabling employees to focus on a hybrid work environment.

The focus is on introducing high-value and low-risk technology while aiming to increase the resilience, speed, and agility of work. I&O leaders continue to use cloud technology as a driver of agility, and most of all cloud technologies included in the roadmap are expected to accelerate speed and agility within the organization.

As more organizations are driving digital transformation, cloud technology is becoming increasingly important. In particular, I&O leaders are investing in SaaS Management Platforms (SMP) while placing significant value on digital workplaces that increase productivity and resilience, manage risk, and enable an employee-centered environment.

This is because SMP is optimized for changing digital workplace environments and is effective in improving the digital employee experience, which is a top priority for IT departments these days.

Background of 'SMP-hype'

The ongoing impact of the corona pandemic has created new needs for digital employee experiences, such as hybrid work practices, team collaboration solutions, and digitalization of the business unit itself, and enterprises have begun to adopt SaaS applications.

According to the Gartner Report, as of 2022, the average number of SaaS apps used by enterprises was 125, and SaaS adoption went beyond the “interest” stage and reached a record high. As more SaaS is being used, distributed responsibilities and uncontrolled risk factors have arisen, making SaaS ROI a top priority.

According to Gartner research, an average of 30 to 40 percent of an enterprise's IT budget is spent on tools IT personnel are unaware of. What's more serious is that this number is underestimated within the organization. As the number of SaaS applications introduced to increase work productivity has increased, areas that must be managed have increased, such as shadow IT, inability to grasp budgets for SaaS spending, exposure to cyber threats, non-compliance with data protection regulations, and the occurrence of security vulnerabilities.

As a result, SMP began to attract attention. The six core functions of SMP are to discover, manage, automate, optimize, secure, and manage SaaS apps. In addition to IT departments and related personnel who want to simplify the SaaS lifecycle, employees who actually use SaaS applications are also very interested in SMP. This is because SMP allows me to have flexibility in using SaaS, such as gathering my frequently used SaaS applications in one place and logging in to multiple SaaS accounts with a single account.

SMP will shape the future of work

Commenting on digital workplaces, Gartner said, “It's a business strategy that enhances the digital capabilities of employees so they can utilize an immersive and intuitive work environment. This includes motivation and skills to apply technology to improve business capabilities. The digital workplace and the people who lead it will shape the future of work,” he defines.

This is a time when SaaS usage is increasing rapidly, and it is necessary to think about how to use SaaS smartly at a time when SaaS was not used again. This seemingly trivial concern will improve the work environment and enhance the employee experience in the future, ultimately leading to a better customer experience.

Business success starts with the slightest move. Organically connect your entire business and create new opportunities with SaaS management.

👉 Want to know more about SaaS Management Platform (SMP)? Check out the main features of POPs!

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3. 수집/이용 목적
- PoPs 뉴스레터 제공
4. 보유 및 이용 기간 : 개인정보 수집일로부터 3년(단, 고객 동의 철회 시 지체없이 파기)
※ 개인정보 이용 철회 방법
- 안내 문자 등의 동의 철회를 이용하는 방법 : 이메일 수신 거부 링크 클릭 또는 안내 문자 내 수신거부 연락처를 통한 수신 거부 의사 통보
- 개인정보 처리 상담 부서
- 부서명: Offering GTM Team
- 연락처
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2. 수집 받는 개인 정보
3. 수집/이용 목적
- PoPs 뉴스레터 제공
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4. 보유 및 이용 기간 : 동의 철회 시 까지
※ 개인정보 이용 철회 방법
- 안내 문자 등의 동의 철회를 이용하는 방법 : 이메일 수신 거부 링크 클릭 통한 수신 거부 의사 통보
- 개인정보 처리 상담 부서
- 부서명: Offering GTM
- 연락처:
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