3 things you must check to manage SaaS well

If our company uses 10 or more SaaS, we should pay attention to the SMP (SaaS Management Platform).
September 19, 2023
3 min read
Megazone PoPs

SaaS has become popular, what if you just use it and don't manage it?

SaaS, short for Software as a Service, is a cloud-based software model that provides applications to end users through an Internet browser. With the rise of the cloud, usage methods are changing by subscribing rather than owning software, and the domestic SaaS market is becoming even hotter.

According to the “Korea Public Cloud Software Market Forecast” by IDC Korea, a global research agency, the domestic SaaS market formed 1.784.3 trillion won in 2022 and is expected to grow by 15.5% over the next 5 years to reach 3.61.4 trillion won by 2026.

With SaaS, digital transformation (DX) costs can be reduced by using software in a cloud environment without building a separate infrastructure, and companies can freely adjust SaaS service subscription options as needed, so demand is growing more and more.

With the advent of various SaaS, the need for 'SaaS management' is growing as the use of SaaS increases in actual enterprises. According to survey results from domestic fintech companies, at the end of '21, there were an average of 11 SaaS solutions already being used by startups, and according to market research firm Gartner, 50% of organizations using multiple SaaS companies are expected to implement a centralized management environment through a SaaS management platform (SMP) that supports the use and management of SaaS by 2026.

Since SaaS can be easily used as a subscription without the need to build one, it is not easy to understand how and how much the departments use SaaS at the company level, and problems such as account management, security, and double billing may occur. In this article, we'll cover 3 things that IT managers or SaaOps personnel must check in order to successfully manage SaaS.

3 things you must check to manage SaaS well

1. Gain visibility into SaaS usage

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What NexThink (NexThink) analyzedAccording to the report, the global waste of software and SaaS licensing costs amounts to approximately $5 billion a year. Before managing SaaS, it's hard to understand who is using what SaaS and how much within an organization. Due to redundant use, wasted SaaS costs increase, and it is impossible to establish a budget because it is difficult to confirm costs. Gaining visibility into SaaS usage and costs is the first step to successful SaaS management.

2. Unified login (SSO, single sign-on)

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Since individuals sign up for separate membership and log in to the SaaS required by each department, it is difficult to manage ID and password, and there are limitations in applying security policies for each SaaS. By unifying SaaS logins, you can increase the convenience and productivity of employees, and apply organizational security policies to SSO accounts to enable safer SaaS usage.

3. Increase work efficiency with automation

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When new employees join the company, it often takes a long time only to set up the SaaS settings required for the job, so they are often unable to get to work right away. In the case of retirees, it is necessary to recover their accounts one by one for each SaaS they have used, but in reality, accounts are not well managed, so they are often exposed to security risks, such as accessing SaaS from their previous workplace. By automating SaaS management, user provisioning can automatically add the SaaS accounts needed for hires and automatically delete employees, saving administrators time and allowing them to focus on more important tasks.

SaaS Management Platform (SMP) and POPs that can efficiently manage and use the overflow of SaaS

POPS is a SaaS management platform that can manage SaaS used by our organization in one place with SSO and two-factor authentication as basic functions, making it easy to assign and revoke SaaS permissions. Identify all SaaS usage and users through a centralized console, and reduce wasted costs and optimize by gaining integrated visibility.

With the API, license users can be queried in real time, and cost visibility can be secured by automatically uploading SaaS-specific invoices. This can reduce wasted costs by finding duplicate, long-term unused, and neglected licenses.

In addition, POPS oversees all SaaOps including SaaS usage, management, cost optimization, and security, including SaaS renewals and renewal expiration notifications.

Talk to a POPs representative about how POPs can help manage SaaS and how much cost savings your organization can actually enjoy! 👉 Request a POPs demo

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- PoPs 뉴스레터 제공
4. 보유 및 이용 기간 : 개인정보 수집일로부터 3년(단, 고객 동의 철회 시 지체없이 파기)
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- 안내 문자 등의 동의 철회를 이용하는 방법 : 이메일 수신 거부 링크 클릭 또는 안내 문자 내 수신거부 연락처를 통한 수신 거부 의사 통보
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- 연락처:offering_gtm@mz.co.kr
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- PoPs 뉴스레터 제공
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4. 보유 및 이용 기간 : 동의 철회 시 까지
※ 개인정보 이용 철회 방법
- 안내 문자 등의 동의 철회를 이용하는 방법 : 이메일 수신 거부 링크 클릭 통한 수신 거부 의사 통보
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