5 reasons to use HubSpot and Megazone POPs together

To properly utilize CRM as a business asset, the help of an SMP is essential.
September 2, 2024
3 min read

To properly utilize CRM as a business asset, the help of an SMP is essential.

How many SaaS logins do you use during the day? The tasks they do, such as marketing, sales, service, development, and HR, and the platforms they log in to are different On average, the total number of SaaS companies used by a department is around 80It is said to be over

In a work environment surrounded by so many SaaS, the most important factors that determine success or failure are integration and optimization. In particular, it is difficult for sales and marketing users to implement winning strategies if they use tools in a one-sided and disconnected manner as before.

For businesses that already use a powerful CRM platform like HubSpot, combining it with an SMP (SaaS Management Platform) such as Megazone POPs is essential to maximize the utility of CRM.

In this post, we'll look at five reasons to use HubSpot and Megazone POPs together.

1. Maximize efficiency with extensive app integration and centralized SaaS management

HubSpot is a powerful CRM platform that provides marketing, sales, customer service, and more. In particular, HubSpot's App Marketplace provides over 16,000 applications that can be linked without middleware, greatly increasing the flexibility and scalability of CRM and enabling the workflow planned when CRM was introduced.

However, properly understanding and managing the connections between so many SaaS applications is difficult. This is where the role of Megazone POPs becomes important. POPS helps centrally manage apps linked to HubSpot as well as various applications used by organizations, and supports IT teams and users to work more efficiently through this.

For example, you can reduce unnecessary costs by understanding the usage status and costs of various applications linked to HubSpot at a glance and optimizing them. In organizations using various SaaS tools, this centralized management function greatly contributes to maximizing efficiency based on actual CRM usage, and maximizes business results by minimizing loopholes in app utilization.

2. Strengthen security and compliance

Hubspot과 PoPs를 함께 사용해야 하는 이유

In a digital environment, security and compliance are key elements for maintaining enterprise reliability. Global CRM solutions like HubSpot often already provide excellent security features, but when combined with Megazone POPs, you can create an even more secure environment.

POPs help ensure consistent application of security policies across SaaS applications, and minimizes security risks through features such as data loss prevention, access control, and compliance monitoring.

This allows enterprises to keep all SaaS applications, including CRM, safe from security threats and operate without deviating from multiple compliance requirements.

3. Reduce costs and optimize resources

How many SaaS companies do you expect to use across the enterprise? Of course, there are differences depending on the industry, but Productiv's reportAccording to, depending on the size of the enterprise, SMB uses an average of 253 SaaS applications, and large enterprises use 473 SaaS applications.

As the share of SaaS used by enterprises increases day by day, the need for efforts and methods to optimize the cost of SaaS applications is growing more and more. Hubspot and Megazone PoPs can be used together to reduce unnecessary license costs and optimize resource utilization through detailed consumption-based analysis.

In particular, global CRM solutions such as HubSpot are high-cost tools, so the ability to accurately forecast and adjust costs through POPs is very useful. This ultimately reduces the company's operating costs and contributes to maximizing ROI.

4. Improved user experience

Hubspot과 PoPs를 함께 사용해야 하는 이유

HubSpot is a tool with many strengths, but the most important part is its intuitive interface that focuses on the user experience. By linking Megazone Pops' SSO (Single Sign-On) to this, users can skip all Hubspot's MFA processes with a single login. Since Hubpsot and all other SaaS applications can be accessed via SSO, convenience is maximized from the beginning of work.

POPs also provide automated workflows to help you handle new user onboarding and existing user management more smoothly. This allows employees to focus more on their work and reduces the IT team's workload.

5. Providing data-driven insights

Finally, when HubSpot and Megazone POPs are used together, businesses can gain data-driven insights. Through the analysis function of POPs, it is possible to comprehensively analyze CRM usage patterns, performance indicators, etc., and make more strategic decisions based on this.

At the end

The combination of HubSpot and Megazone POPs elevates CRM from a simple tool and transforms it into a powerful business asset that companies need. Through SaaS management and optimization, enterprises can maximize efficiency, enhance security, reduce costs, and enjoy an improved experience for users. If you're considering SaaS-based AX, try building a solid SaaS business environment with a powerful combination of HubSpot and Megazone POPs.

👉Learn more about Hubspot

👉Learn more about Megazone POPs

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[필수] 개인정보 수집·이용 동의 안내
PoPs는 아래 내용에 따라 귀하의 정보를 수집 및 활용합니다. 다음의 내용을 숙지하시고 동의하는 경우 체크 박스에 표시해 주세요.
1. 개인정보 수집자 : 메가존클라우드㈜
2. 수집 받는 개인 정보
3. 수집/이용 목적
- PoPs 뉴스레터 제공
4. 보유 및 이용 기간 : 개인정보 수집일로부터 3년(단, 고객 동의 철회 시 지체없이 파기)
※ 개인정보 이용 철회 방법
- 안내 문자 등의 동의 철회를 이용하는 방법 : 이메일 수신 거부 링크 클릭 또는 안내 문자 내 수신거부 연락처를 통한 수신 거부 의사 통보
- 개인정보 처리 상담 부서
- 부서명: Offering GTM Team
- 연락처:offering_gtm@mz.co.kr
※ 동의거부권 및 불이익
귀하는 동의를 거절할 수 있는 권리를 보유하며, 동의를 거절하는 경우 상기 이용 목적에 명시된 서비스가 제공되지 아니합니다.

[선택] 개인정보 수집·이용 동의 안내 (마케팅 활용 및 광고성 수신 정보 동의)
PoPs는 아래 내용에 따라 귀하의 정보를 수집 및 활용합니다. 다음의 내용을 숙지하시고 동의하는 경우 체크 박스에 표시해 주세요
1. 개인정보 수집자 : 메가존클라우드㈜
2. 수집 받는 개인 정보
3. 수집/이용 목적
- PoPs 뉴스레터 제공
※ 본 동의문에는 이메일을 활용한 광고성 수신 동의 내용이 포함되어 있습니다.
4. 보유 및 이용 기간 : 동의 철회 시 까지
※ 개인정보 이용 철회 방법
- 안내 문자 등의 동의 철회를 이용하는 방법 : 이메일 수신 거부 링크 클릭 통한 수신 거부 의사 통보
- 개인정보 처리 상담 부서
- 부서명: Offering GTM
- 연락처: offering_gtm@mz.co.kr
※ 동의거부권 및 불이익
귀하는 동의를 거절할 수 있는 권리를 보유하며, 동의를 거절하는 경우 상기 이용 목적에 명시된 서비스가 제공되지 아니합니다.

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